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Logo Global Sustainable

Penn State Global and the Sustainability Institute have partnered to host our first annual global sustainability mini conference titled, Global Sustainable Action: It Starts with Us,
on November 5, 2022.

Our focus this year is Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Urban Garden
Urban Garden

This half-day conference aims to raise global awareness, expand commitment to sustainable actions, deepen intercultural understanding, and foster respect for diversity and difference. Penn State Global and the Sustainability institute plan to accomplish this by providing a platform for the Penn State Community to learn about and share their passion for global awareness, research, and sustainability with others.

How can I get involved?

Students, faculty, and staff from ALL Penn State Campuses are invited to submit program proposals for this conference.

The deadline to submit a proposal is

October 9, 2022

Send your questions to

Conference Event

Once you submit your proposal it will be reviewed and approved by the conference planning committee. We ask that your program aligns with at least one of the conference themes:

  • Envisioning and proactively addressing global challenges

  • Promoting inclusive communities and societies that provide access to all

  • Finding solutions that enhance the resilience and effectiveness of institutions

Furthermore, we want to hear from you about:

  • The work of YOUR organization or group

  • Your research or areas of study

  • How global sustainability issues affect people from your culture

Lastly, we ask you to remember your audience. We appreciate the intricate work and years of research you may have completed to get to this point, and we ask that you share this information in an accessible way to all people.

Business People Applauding

Along with our incredible presenters, we want to invite YOU to be their audience. Come out to support your friends, classmates, and colleagues!


Location: Chambers Building - Ground Floor from 2:00-8:00 pm

Attend the Conference

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