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What is the Global Engagement and Leadership Experience (GELE)?

GELE (pronounced 'jelly') is a University-wide off-campus retreat on global citizenship and leadership.

What does that mean? At GELE we explore our ability to interact across differences; both at the individual and group level. Our trained facilitators work to guide you in your understanding of self, while also providing opportunities to learn about the cultures of others. Whether you are a world traveler, have never left your home country, or are curious about the world, consider joining us for this immersive program!

Meet students from every Penn State campus and from all across the world!


What will you take away from this experience? 

  • A certificate of attendance 

  • A personal Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) profile 

  • Friendships and an expanded professional network

  • Preferred placement in other Global Penn State student leadership opportunities


Qualifications to apply?

  • Full-time student status 

  • An interest in self-growth


When: October 14-16, 2022

Where: Krislund Camp, Madisonburg, PA


Application Deadline: September 26, 2022

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Students from GELE

Join us!

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